Welcome to the WordPress Creation Kit Documentation

WordPress Creation Kit (WCK) documentation is constantly evolving as we continue to update the plugin. The latest version of the documentation is available via this Wiki. WordPress Creation Kit Docs Logo v2 The current documentation is for our WordPress Creation Kit plugin. Getting started with WCK – What is this plugin and how can I use it? The current documentation is for our WordPress Creation Kit plugin.
  2. WordPress Creation Kit Overview
    1. What is WCK?
    2. Why use WCK when developing WordPress sites?
  3. Basic Information & Installation
  4. Start and Settings
  5. Custom Post Type Creator
    1. Overview of Custom Post Type Creator
    2. Features of Custom Post Type Creator
    3. Querying by Post Type in Frontend
    4. Display Custom Post Types in WordPress Category
    5. Create a custom archive page for your CPT’s with custom fields
    6. Create a custom single page for your CPT’s with custom fields
    7. List CPT’s in other templates using get_posts and WP_Query with custom fields
  6. Custom Taxonomy Creator
    1. Overview of Custom Taxonomy Creator
    2. Features of Custom Taxonomy Creator
    3. Listing the taxonomies in the frontend
    4. Querying by taxonomy
    5. Create a custom archive page for your custom taxonomies
    6. List custom taxonomies in your widgets
  7. Custom Fields Creator
    1. Overview of Custom Fields Creator
    2. Custom Fields Creator – Meta Box Arguments
      1. Single Custom Meta Boxes
      2. Repeater Custom Meta Boxes
    3. Custom Fields Creator – Meta Box Fields
    4. Custom Fields Creator – Fields Types
      1. Default Field Types
        1. Text
        2. Textarea
        3. Select
        4. Checkbox
        5. Radio
        6. Upload
        7. WYSIWYG Editor
        8. Heading
        9. Colorpicker
        10. Currency Select
        11. Phone
        12. Timepicker
        13. HTML
        14. Number
      2. Extra Field Types
        1. Datepicker
        2. Country Select
        3. User Select
        4. Custom Post Type Select
        5. Map
      3. Manage existing Custom Fields with WCK
      4. Reorder Fields
      5. Edit or Delete a Field
    5. WCK Custom Fields API
    6. How to
      1. Display a Custom Field
      2. Retrieve a Custom Field as a Variable
      3. Use Conditional Statements
      4. Work with Images
      5. Get raw data from the Database ( get_post_meta() )
      6. Store each Custom Field in its own meta (Unserialized Fields)
  8. Frontend Posting
    1. Overview of Frontend Posting
    2. Create the Frontend Form
      1. Form Setup
      2. Form Fields
      3. Form Shortcode
      4. Form Labels and Messages
    3. Anonymous posting
    4. Admin Approval
    5. Post in the Front End
    6. Edit Posts, Pages and CPTs in the Front End
    7. FEP Dashboard Shortcode
    8. FEP Login / Logout / Register Shortcode and Widget
  9. Option Pages Creator
    1. Overview of Option Pages Creator
    2. Features of Option Pages Creator
      1. Option Page Arguments
  10. Option Fields Creator
    1. Overview of Option Fields Creator
    2. Features of Option Fields Creator
      1. Select on which Option Page this Field Group will appear
      2. Option Page Fields
    3. Fields Types
      1. Default Fields Types
      2. Extra Fields Types
    4. Setup Option Field
    5. Option Fields in Option Page
  11. Swift Templates
    1. Overview of Swift Templates
    2. Swift Templates Arguments
    3. Query Arguments
    4. Swift Templates
      1. Archive Template
      2. Single Template
      3. Swift Template Shortcode
    5. Display Custom Post Types, Custom Fields and Custom Taxonomies with Swift Templates
      1. Display Custom Fields in WordPress Pages (Posts or Custom Post Types) with no coding
      2. Create Archive Templates for your Custom Post Types (including Posts or Pages)
      3. Create Single Templates for your Custom Post Types (including Posts or Pages)
      4. Create Taxonomy Archive Templates with no coding
      5. Create Taxonomy Single Templates with no coding
      6. Custom Query Arguments
  12. Import and Export WCK Settings
  13. WordPress Creation Kit Changelogs